- How To Lead An Inspired Life
- Parenting With Love, Without Anger or Stress
- Resolving Toxic Marriage Issues
- Social Influences as they relate to children and families
Click here to hear Bob Lancer being interviewed, providing parenting solutions that you probably have never heard or thought of for raising respectful children. Click here to listen to an interview of Bob Lancer sharing his path of a life of inspiration. Click here to listen to an intrview of Bob Lancer sharing the wisdom of how to succeed NATURALLY. This is a transformative interview blazing with inspirational light! Bob Lancer is a seasoned, engaging, and thought provoking Radio, TV and Print-MediaGuest-Expert / Interviewee.
Lancer's Answers Intrigue, interest, and inform viewers, listeners, and readers "You have a remarkably pithy way of delivering meaningful and substantive expert advice."Karen Weir-Jimerson, Contributing Writer for Redbook
"Bob Lancer has an uncanny talent for engaging the audience with thought provoking insights." Producer of WXIA TV 11 Alive Morning News "I can alway count on you to get to the heart of the issue. You're a wise man." Sebrina Gibbons, WSB Radio News "Bob Lancer provides so much rich and practical wisdom at a time when we seem to need it most." Jessica Sachs, Contributing Editor, Parenting Magazine
Bob Lancer is available as a last minute fill-in as well by appointment, live in-studio, over the phone, or via Email, without any need to view questions in advance. Bob Lancer has been interviewed by CNN, and Local TV stations around the nation; in national magazines including Parenting, Parent, Child, Good Housekeeping; in prestigious newspapers including The Los Angeles Times, The New York Daily News, and The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. His interviews appear on prominent websites that pertain to parenting, marriage and the impact of culture on children. For an immediate fill-in interview, or to schedule call 770-364-9580 or Email
A brief one-sheet bio and suggested questions available on request. |