Available For Purchase Each CD contains approx 30 minutes or more wisdom for success strategies that will transform the way you look at life and empower you to achieve your greatest dreams. $15.95/ea - Order 10 or more of any title for $9.95/ea CLICK HERE For Ordering Information "I find the messages on your CD's to be practical, applicable, inspiring and motivating. You are helping me tremendously and don't even know it! It is important to me to tell you how much I appreciate your work and investment of time, heart and energy into topics that I need to hear. Your work has truly been a gift to me and helps me to acknowledge my emotions and feelings and to accept and come to grips with them. I am moving ahead now and am happy with the direction, priorities and goals I have set for myself. God places people in our path to help us as we move along the continuum of life. I know your work was made available to me as a support and guide. Thank you so much." M. Moore SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW ALL 3 CD CATEGORIES:
CD CATEGORY 1: Parenting Help
CD CATEGORY 2: Relationship Advice
CD CATEGORY 3: Personal Development - Life/Success Strategies ______________________________________ CD CATEGORY 1: PARENTING HELP CD'S (PLEASE NOTE: Each Title Below Represents ONE CD Recording) To order call 404-297-4043 or click here for more information "I've been inundating myself with your CDs and books for the last couple of weeks and have been applying many of the principles to my life with incredible results! I am connecting much better with my boys and have experienced a great deal of personal growth as well." D. Buckheart SUCCESSFUL PARENTING Learn how to turn your child behavior problems into child behavior goals, and how achieve those goals in a calm, competent manner that nurtures and protects the loving bond between you and your child. Recognize, avoid and transform self-defeating mindsets and angry reaction patterns that undermine your parenting objectives. VISIONARY PARENTING This recording presents an amazing child discipline secret. It has to do with the power of how you think about your child. Far too many parents do not understand how their way of envisioning their child works as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Learn HOW to think of your child to release his or her higher potential, to solve behavior problems, and to take full advantage of one of the most potent influences you possess in parenting. THE PEACEFUL PARENT Peaceful parenting does not mean passive parenting. You can better direct AND connect with your child in a calm and loving way, even when establishing necessary boundaries. The way to more peaceful, effective parenting of children of any age begins by focusing on your reactions and improving your self-control. Learn how to retain or regain your peace and poise when dealing with your child's behavior, so that you do not lose your power. By letting go and not trying to control every situation, and developing the habit of observing your own reactions, you will begin to experience and radiate more calmness that your child will reflect through more calm, cooperative self- conduct. This foundational program also teaches you the essential ways that you influence child behavior. THE CHILD DISCIPLINE PROCESS Learn the essentials of loving child discipline every parent of every aged child needs to know for removing anger and stress from your encounters with challenging behavior. Choosing the most effective response is simple when you learn about your 3 basic options for solving virtually any behavior problem. PARENT DISCIPLINE Learn the 10 common child discipline mistakes made by parents, why the don't work, and what to do instead. Discover how parent self-discipline is the essential foundation for positive, loving and successful child discipline. TRUE PARENT AUTHORITY Get ready to learn how most parents undermine their own authority. This recording reveals the surprising truth about how to establish the loving, positive authority in your relationship with your children that translates into an end to power-struggles and improved behavior and attitudes coming from your children. Improve your self-confidence and your self-control as you lead your child to do the same. Discover how to work with your child instead of against him or her for more cooperation, respect and fulfillment in parenting. END PARENT FRUSTRATION Learn how you cause yourself all of the frustration you experience with your children, how your frustration actually blocks you from creating the results you really want with your children, and how to transform your frustration into positive, peaceful power that produces more satisfying results. CHILD DISCIPLINE SUCCESS SECRETS This comprehensive recording presents a thorough over-view of how to turn conflict into cooperation and create the kind of loving relationship with your child that both you and your child need to feel and do your best. If you have been feeling overwhelmed, if you are tired of your home feeling like a battle-ground, discover the mistakes that you have been making. RELEASE YOUR CHILD'S GREATNESS (And Your Own!) Your child has a natural pattern within him/her, like a seed has a pattern that leads to its fruition. This program helps you identify your child's true self and work with it, instead of against, to bring out your child's best. When a child is forced to live in conflict with his/her natural pattern, it leads to worsening health, attitudes and behavior problems. INSPIRED PARENTING Learn how to access your own inner wisdom to bring out your child's best. Approach parenting as an inspiring creative process instead of an overwhelming burden. Connect with who your child truly is in a way that solves and avoids typical behavior problems. I AM WORTHY OF LOVE / RAISING CHILDREN WITH HEALTHY SELF-ESTEEM Learn the keys to overcoming self-esteem problems that may be holding your child (or you) back. You cannot raise a child with healthy self-esteem without having it yourself. This program focuses on how to uncover and address your own self-esteem issues that must impact your relationship with your child. Learn the three simple steps for developing the attitude that insures you make the best possible choices for yourself and for those you love. HOW TO WIN WITH YOUR "STRONG-WILLED CHILD" / AKA: DELIGHTFULLY DEALING WITH "DIFFICULT" CHILDREN Learn why it is futile to "butt heads" with a feisty child. Instead, you can channel that strong will into positive persistence for higher achievement and improved self-control. Also learn how parents provoke a child's stubbornness, and what to do instead. SIBLING SOLUTIONS If you have more than one child you need to know these proven strategies for ending or avoiding irritating as well as harmful sibling rivalry. Learn how to promote a harmonious relationship between your children. Explained here are the common parenting mistakes that lead siblings to fight and hurt one another physically and emotionally, and a loving, sane approach that keeps the peace. RAISE YOURSELF / OVERCOME YOUR PARENTS’ LIMITING PATTERNS This crucial CD addresses perhaps the most crucial challenge to parents. At last, a program showing you how to recognize and overcome any negative or limiting parenting or personality patterns you learned from your own parents so you can avoid passing them on to your child. You will gain useful insight into yourself and how to improve your relationships, including your relationship with your child and your mate. Most of promise ourselves that we will not repeat the mistakes our parents made. Unfortunately, most do not know how to avoid this or what to do instead. This program solves that problem. HOW TO WIN WITH YOUR TEEN Learn the seven simple steps to keeping your teen on track as you maintain a harmonious relationship with him or her. Understand the real limits of your control or influence, and how to make the best use of these to lead your child toward responsible adulthood. This important and practical audio program teaches you how to provide your teen with the love, respect and structure he or she still needs to make thoughtful, caring choices. (Special 4 CD Set: $24.95) TRUE TEEN POWER (For teens and their parents) This motivating and enlightening recording is designed especially for teens, the parents of teens and for adults who may have a rebellious teen pattern undermining their happy success in life. Includes the wisdom of how to make your dreams come true, find and fulfill your true life's purpose and respect yourself for who you truly are. Revealed here is a clear understanding of the pointlessness of rebellion, how to build self-respect and direct your own destiny. IN-CHARGE PARENTING This important and EXTREMELY helpful recording focuses on help you gain control of your responses to your child. Learn how your habitual reactions of annoyance, impatience, frustration and even helplessness prevent you from accurately understanding your child and coming up with the solutions you need. Follow the practices in this program to gradually experience better control of your reactions, for better control of your child's behavior. CREATIVE PARENTING POWER Apply the creative wisdom of Kabbalah in your parenting to bring out your child's (and your own) magnificent potential. Learn how to bring more wisdom and understanding into your relationship with your child to handle behavior challenges more calmly and beautifully. Lead your child into a victorious life! To order 1 or more CD's call 404-297-4043 or click here for more information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CD CATEGORY 2 RELATIONSHIP HELP CD'S (PLEASE NOTE: Each Title Below Represents ONE Entire CD Recording) To order 1 or more CD's call 404-297-4043 or click here for more information "I simply wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words, the inspiration that comes from your delivery and the practical life impact they have on my life right now." J. Halpurn LOVE-LIFE WISDOM This presents a wonderful overview of how you create the relationship problems you experience, and how to shift into relationship solutions. You will uncover whatever has been blocking you from receiving the loving harmony you have been seeking and realize what to do instead. Quite liberating and enlightening! EXIT ANGER / ENTER FORGIVENESS The title says it all. Aren't you tired of feeling the pain and drain of holding onto past hurts. Learn how to resolve resentment toward anyone (including yourself). Discover how to feel like a victor instead of as a victim of your relationship history. HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR MOST IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP Learn how to cultivate a conscious relationship with your own deeper creative power - and understand how this is the basis of every relationship need being met. A SECRET TO RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION This recording is really all about making the journey into intimacy. Discover the wisdom and power of "deep feeling" to connect you with relationship fulfillment. HOW TO CREATE YOUR IDEAL RELATIONSHIP For those looking for their great mate, and for those who feel frustrated in their relationship, this incredibly simple, powerful approach is a key for spectacular relationship harmony. One of the most effective and practical solutions for relationship dissatisfaction you will ever come across. GROWING TOGETHER, IN LOVE / AKA HOW TO SOLVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS Presents the essential key for a loving, harmonious marriage. How you can experience more love, joy, intimacy, fulfillment and satisfying communication with your mate. This program shows you how to transform your frustration into enlightenment for a relationship that grows more Loving. CONSCIOUS COMMUNICATION POWER Learn compassionate, positive communication skills to help you to improve your relationships with children and adults. Make it easier for others to speak openly and honestly with you, as you more easily and constructively convey what you have to say. Achieve more kind, respectful cooperation and understanding. After listening to this you may never bicker again! MASTERING LONELINESS We enter relationships expecting an escape for loneliness, but that doesn't happen. Then we blame and resent our mate. No one can save you from loneliness. The key is developing your relationship with your deeper self. HOW TO FIND THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE Understand the most common mistakes made by individuals that short-circuits intimacy, produce "loveless" relationships, and drain the joy and satisfaction from the marriage. This CD reveals essential principles and practices to practice to receive and express all the love you desire. AVOID DESTRUCTIVE RELATIONSHIPS Understand what makes a relationship destructive, and how to avoid creating one. Discover when, why and how to end and to begin a relationship. Learn how the wrong beginning may undermine a relationship’s fate. THE LAW OF ASSOCIATION / AKA: HOW TO CREATE EMPOWERING RELATIONSHIPS You become like those you spend time with. You also become like those with whom you associate in your thoughts. This recording guides you in selecting individuals to assocate with who will help you to realize your greatest dreams in life and love. Learn how to choose "your people and your thoughts" to find freedom from resentment and fulfill your greater potential. PYRAMID NETWORKING SECRETS For both professional and personal applications. Learn how to network your way to the top (or to the person who is really right for you), side-stepping the resistance (and rejection) that defeats most people. This program shows you how to build relationships to release your positive power in line with your true purpose. Discover how much more you can accomplish WITH people than without them or against them. DELIGHTFULLY DEALING WITH DIFFICULT PEOPLE Discover what it is that YOU do that makes others seem so difficult to deal with, and how to actually win with "impossible people". Overcome your frustration with those who persist at seeming unreasonable. THE RELATIONSHIP LAWS There really natural laws at work in any relationship. How well you align with them determines the direction of a relationship. Learn the ORGANIC PROCESS for "growing" the kind of relationship you want. See how your own wise love-life solutions occur to you as you understand these laws. CREATE RELATIONSHIP FULFILLMENT Understand what is really going on when you feel dissatisfied in a relationship. Learn how to handle NOT getting your way in a way that works for you. Lose feelings of weak dependency. This recording guides you through the inner work that results in relationship fulfillment. To order 1 or more CD's call 404-297-4043 or click here for more information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CD CATEGORY 3 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT / LIFE-SUCCESS STRATEGIES (PLEASE NOTE: Each Title Below Represents ONE Entire CD Recording) "I was listening to one of the CD's you gave us and I just have to tell you how perplexed and curious a I am about how you KNOW these things. I am so grateful to you. You've tossed about my ideas so dramtically that I just look at everything differently." E. Lewis To order 1 or more CD's call 404-297-4043 or click here for more information HOW TO DIRECT YOUR DESTINY
Your destiny is an exact reflection of the content of your thoughts and the quality of your feelings. Develop the inner awareness to more deliberately and purposefully select your mental and emotional states for true fulfillment. Wake up to how your entire life is lived within, and how living with awareness of the now is the key that unlocks the destiny your heart most deeply desires. MASTER YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS The only "thing" that can possibly stand in the way of your total success is your unconscious mental activity. Learn how to transform success-sabotaging thought patterns into pure success programming to eliminate the only barrier to all the prosperity and fulfillment you desire. ABANDON STRUGGLE FOR SUCCESS Learn how to leave the "struggle mode" behind, and why. The more you struggle to get your way, the more you lose your way, and the more resistance you create as a blockage. As you allow yourself to remain struggle-free, you enjoy fulfillment along your truly successful way. THE ALCHEMY OF SUCCESS Discover how YOU are really your own great, golden opportunity. Learn how to transform any situation into all you want it to be. Understand and overcome the common problem of unconscious negative thinking. Access the EMOTIONAL power of manifestation. EXIT WORRY At last, a real guide for leaving worry behind, and creating the conditions you want in life from peace, security and confidence. See how worry is really the opposite of being truly responsible, and how it drains you of the power to create what you really want in life. As you follow this message, you will experience your worries lifting, and be more empowered to direct your life. THE WISDOM OF ACTIVE PATIENCE Here is an insight that reveals the only real blockage to success: lacking the wisdom of Active Patience. This recording guides listeners in how to connect with their own inner wisdom for turning their intentions into reality. You really DO know what to do for what you want - here is how to realize it! HOW TO FULFILL YOUR TRUE PURPOSE The key to fulfilling your true purpose and living life with all the real success that you can desire. Discover how your current situation not only offers you the opportunity you want most of all, but also directs you to the realization of who you truly are and what you are meant to do. You’ll never face change or uncertainty with anxiousness again1 CREATE ORDER OUT OF CHAOS Change that upsets any current condition of order is inevitable. Sometimes, it seems that everything is going wrong. And sometimes, we seem to lack the power to impose enough order to create what we want when we want it. Learn how these times are NOTHING to fear, but rather as greater liberation-events, when you know how to go through them. This enlightening and inspiring recording shows you how. BANISH DISAPPOINTMENT / HARNESS YOUR POWER TO PROSPER As you listen to this recording you will NEVER take disappointment seriously again. Learn how to apply your 10 creative powers to prosper in mighty measure! LIVE LIFE ON YOUR OWN TERMS Learn how to find and follow your true path of fulfillment and great success. Recognize when false obligation misleads you from your inspiration. Get on track and stay on track with joy. THE 90 SECOND SOLUTION / COMMITMENT TO SANITY Discover an amazingly simple, powerful METHOD for overcoming anger, unhappiness and insecurity to tap into the clarity of your inner wisdom for profound solutions to your problems. Anyone struggling wth emotional suffering MUST hear this right away. CAST OUT DOUBT All worry and discouragement does is hold back your power to achieve what you want. And all that causes this blockage is doubting in the possibility of your miraculous success and fulfillment. Learn an amazingly simple life-changing method for eliminating this blockage and releasing your total power to achieve. THE POWER OF FACING WHAT IS Any situation you want out of actually offers you the opportunity to develop the mastery you need to create exactly what you want. Simply escaping or exiting is no solution, but you create what happens to you based on your level of destiny-creation mastery. Learn how get from your problems the power to produce your solutions! FREE YOUR POWER FROM FEAR Discover how to uncover and gain release from the fearful thought patterns that have been creating your problems and holding you back. In the process you will realize your power to create your destiny. YOUR WAY OUT: HOW TO RULE YOUR WORLD This breakthrough session takes you on a journey into your liberation into the life you truly want to be living. Learn how to connect with unstoppable power, to live in victory, to free your mind's full power to launch you into the life you have been longing for. THE MAGIC OF W 5 Learn how to avoid the common mistake of wasting time and energy on wanting, waiting, wondering and worrying. Learn how to apply the power of the fifth W to keep your life moving into destiny you long for. THE POWER OF GOING FURTHER It only takes one more step to harness the unstoppable power that will take you to your greatest dreams coming true. Turn defeat, disappointment and difficulty into positive experiences that support spectacular accomplishment. ENTER THE SCHOOL OF CREATION / ACCESS THE LIMITLESS POWER OF SELF-DEVELOPMENT Learn how you create whatever happens to you, and how to learn from that experience to develop your abilities and grow more wise, to create more beautiful conditions. WHY EVERYTHING HAPPENS TO YOU (and what to do about it) Everything happens to you for a very good reason. In this program you will learn what that is, and what each experience calls upon you to do about it. Be ready to see how everything that happens to you, happens for you. INEVITABLE SUCCESS Success is not an accident. You can follow definite natural laws of thought, feeling, speech and action to make it inevitable. An essential discipline involves the casting out of doubt. Listening to this program reveals how you never have to worry about a disappointing possibility again. WHAT TO DO ABOUT YOUR THINKING! This enlightening recording reveals the amazing power of your thinking and how to put that power to work to escape the life- prisons you create for yourself. Discover how you create your own blockages that you want to breakthrough and at last be free. HOW TO CREATE YOUR GREATEST OPPORTUNITY This recording makes absolutely clear how you create your own experiences, and how to create the opportunity you most desire right now. Stop waiting for opportunity to find you. Opportunities are the product of a very specific creative process . Why count on luck when you can determine your own luck? TIME MASTERY You have never heard an approach to time management as deep and powerful as this one. Learn How To accomplish more without rush. Eliminate overwhelm as you make each moment count. Make time your ally instead of your adversary. Transform impatience into peaceful power. Enter the timeless dimension of true mastery. SURRENDER TO VICTORY We usually believe that we need to make our success happen. This recording releases you from struggle as you discover how to allow the victories that seem to have been out of reach up to now. Stop fighting life and start seeing how you can ALWAYS win. BEGINNING MASTERY / BOTTOM'S UP You can direct your life anywhere from here as you understand the key for mastering beginnings. Also learn how your present situation, however far below you seem from the goals that you aim for, provides you with the perfect opportunity to soar to the top! EXIT YOUR TRAGIC LIFE-STORY Awaken to how you create the problems you feel burdened by. Discover how the circumstances you feel unhappy about can be left behind in an instant. ACCESS THE UNSTOPPABLE POWER OF TRULY BALANCED LIVING A balanced self creates a balanced life. An unbalanced self creates chaos and conflict. Learn how to achieve spectacular success while taking great care of yourself, with the support of a happy home and a fulfilling life- adventure. Eliminate overwhelm and live with greater purpose. EXIT VICTIM THINKING If you are struggling to make a change, here is why and what to do. This CD describes a way of living with instead of struggling futilely against you’re your encounters with powerlessness. Learn exactly what to do when you feel powerless burdened. When you know how to awaken from the dream of powerlessness you enter all the power you need. SPIRITUAL PROSPERITY Learn how fulfilling your true spiritual purpose and higher spiritual potential actually resolves blockages to prosperity. Experience greater and greater success and financial freedom through deeper spiritual growth and higher wisdom-attunement. You do not have to supress your spiritual nature to enter financial abundance - you have to release it! Here is how! (This CD is one of Bob Lancer's personal favorites!) LEAVE FAILURE BEHIND & SUCCEED WITH CONFIDENCE Failure is an illusion produced by a self-defeating mindset! Holding onto negative beliefs about yourself causes you depression and forces you to live in defeat. This recording delivers the realization that you do not have to do this to yourself anymore. Also learn why relying on anxiety to succeed creates blockages to achieving what want. Liberate yourself into confidence to dissolve all barriers. ACCESS THE POWER OF DIS-BELIEF / AKA: THE RESURRECTION PROCESS In the field of self-help and individual development we hear so much about the power of belief. In this mind-opening recording you will discover that the power of DIS-belief is far greater. If you have been waiting for what you really want to happen, this is no doubt the missing key. END DEPRESSION NOW This program reveals how you produce your own depressing scenarios.It goes on to show you how to see through these “imaginary defeats” to lead a winning life. This program discloses how to receive just what you want from every situation. YOUR VICTORIOUS SELF To be victorious in any situation is a choice that you can make and has nothing to do with your circumstances. In this thrilling presentation you will be amazed as you realize what has been preventing you from making the victorious choice. You can then change that pattern into the wisdom of leading an authentic life, the greatest victory of all. CREATE YOUR OWN ECONOMY Stop worrying about what the economy will do to you and focus instead on what you want to do to your own economy. Your power to prosper is in the mind. Learn how to access it and free yourself from worry. Remember: whatever you worry about MUST get worse, based on the laws of the mind. MIRACLE SUCCESS SECRETS Are you feeling like it will take a miracle for the changes you want to take place. Learn how to create the space in your life for a miracle to happen, and how to enter that space right now to live in the miraculous. When you realize how everything is a miracle, you stop worrying and start succeeding. THE GEOMETRY OF SUCCESS This recording reveals the sacred geometric principles that drive all of creation, and how you can utilize them to succeed more easily and quickly. A marvelously enlightening and liberating program that will help you to master life’s ups and downs. FROM REACTING TO CREATING Discover how you have been keeping yourself in the very problems that you struggle the hardest to leave. Applying this simple message to your mind will lead you into the brightest future you can imagine. LIBERATION, LIFE-MASTERY AND ENLIGHTENMENT Learn how to access the five levels of reliable inner guidance coming to you at all times, showing you the way to overcome all obstacles and fulfill the purpose of your life. HOW TO BE UNSTOPPABLE - ACCESS THE POWER OF ABSOLUTE DETERMINATION Learn how to shift from frustration, disappointment and discouragement into pure determination to achieve your goal. Experience the joy of UNSTOPPABLE power! ENTER THE FIRE OF DESIRE... If You Dare Learn how to connect with your ULTIMATE desire to release your full power to solve your problems, fulfill your potential, and lead your life into your great destiny. Learn how suppressing desire is all that really keeps you from what you want. This is a rousing recording! THE 3 KEYS TO TOAL SUCCESS Learn how to balance work, rest and play for a life of true fulfillment. As you bring balance and more awareness into these three aspects of a successful life, you accomplish more and more. Understand the real purpose of work, and how to fulfill that purpose for TRUE happiness. GATHER LIGHT FROM DARKNESS: HOW TO WORK THROUGH INSECURITY This powerful, liberating CD guides you in working through your darker emotions, when they rise. Learn how to turn let-downs into opportunities and rise above obstacles, set-backs and disappointment. This is ESSENTIAL wisdom for setting yourself free of any emotional patterns and mindsets that have been holding you back or bringing you down. See how wonderful each moment can really be! NEW CD SET ATrue Life-Wisdom Masterpiece  BOB LANCER’S LIFE/SUCCESS MASTERY SET 1 Powerful, Comprehensive! Success Keys that you can apply to every area of life for astonishing results. Release the inner blockages that present the vast majority of individuals from experiencing how great life can be, the success they dream of, and the fulfillment of their own miracuous potential. This Beautifully Packaged Set contains the most mind-enlightening, life-transforming, Inspirational Success Secrets you will find anywhere - over 6 hours of incredible wisdom, solutions, strategies and enlightenment on 6 jam-packed Success-Power CD's. Price: $99.95 Special Limited Time Offer: Recieve my powerful, liberating wisdom book, LIGHTEN UP! at no charge when you order this life transforming set. To order this CD Set or 1 or more Individual CD's call 770-364-9580 or click here for more information ———————————————————————————— |